How Can You Tell If Your Roof Is Leaking?

A leaky roof is much more than just a bother. Leaks can cause severe problems to your family’s health and well-being by raising the risk of house fires, catastrophic building collapse, and disease. It’s essential to learn how to identify leaks as early as possible and schedule prompt repairs before they cause severe structural and health problems.

Signs of Roof Leaks From the Inside

The most obvious way to identify roof leaks is to check for drips through the ceiling. Make sure you inspect your attic as your first point of call. If you can hear a dripping sound on the walls of your home or notice a wet roof deck, you’re likely dealing with a leak. Be sure to call a roof repair expert to fix the leak before it turns into a bigger and more expensive problem, calling for a total roof replacement.

Other signs of roof leaks from the inside of your house include:

  • Spots on the interior ceilings: The spots often appear as brown stains in the shape of puddles, sometimes with faint rings around the edges.
  • Signs of mold on your ceiling or walls
  • A musty or mildewy smell intensifies when the weather is damp
  • Soft areas in your walls or ceiling
  • When your home feels damper/more humid

Signs Of Roof Leaks On the Outside:

If you’re wondering if your roof is springing in leaks, you should always check the roof’s condition from the outside. Through visual inspection from the ground level using binoculars, look out for buckling or curling shingles, missing shingles, or torn-away gutters.

It’s also worth checking your exterior walls to see if you can spot any signs of excess mold, moss, or fungi growth. These growths tend to thrive in moist or wet conditions, which a leaky roof can easily trigger.

Other common signs of roof leaks from the outside include:

  • Exposed flashing or underlayment
  • Gutters pulling away from the house
  • Loose boots around vent pipes 
  • Branches or limbs on your roof
  • Mold or moss growing on your roof

Common Damages Triggered by Roof Leaks

When left to linger for long, roof leaks can cause a myriad of damage to your home and health risks to your family members. Such damages include:

  • Higher Utility Bills: A leaking roof allows water intrusion into the attic space, which is detrimental to the attic insulation. If you put off repairs for a long time, chronic water intrusion will gradually deplete the insulation and cause your home to lose hot and cool air, leading to higher utility bills.
  • Mold and Mildew Issues: One of the most severe consequences of roof leaks is mold and mildew growth. Mold can quickly spread throughout your home and invade furniture, carpets, and even clothing. Toxic black mold can also cause serious health issues to the building occupants, especially those with allergies.
  • Fire Hazard from Electrical Systems: If your electrical wiring runs through the attic or ceiling, a leaking roof could easily pose a fire hazard from shorted wires. 
  • Compromised Structural Integrity: A leaking roof can damage rafters, ceiling joists, fascia boards, wall framing, and exterior trim. Chronic roof leaks can also lead to wood deterioration and rotten roof framing, compromising your entire roof’s structural integrity. 

Overall, you should never put off roof leak repairs for too long since they can cause costlier damage and shorten your roof’s lifespan. As a result, you may need to invest in a new roof sooner than expected. When you notice any sign of roof leak, be sure to schedule a professional inspection and repair with Pinnacle Roofing. We proudly serve the Capital Region of New York and Southern Vermont. Our team of highly-qualified roofing professionals will be able to identify the exact source of the leak and deal with it in a quick, effective, and affordable manner. Contact us today to schedule a free inspection!

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